"Over the last few years, Lawrence has written several times about the myth of more risk equaling more reward, explaining that, historically, the opposite has been true: low-volatility sectors and strategies have outperformed more volatile sectors and strategies.
Lawrence: "In January, after publishing "Why Low-Vol Strategies Make Sense Now", I was pleasantly surprised by an email from Jan de Koning of Robeco in the Netherlands, who, along with Pim van Vliet, PhD, manages a multi-billion dollar fund based on the low-volatility 'paradox.' Jan had come across my article, and was kind enough to share the knowledge on low-volatility investing that he and Pim have accumulated over the years. To make a long story short, Jan and Pim are experts on low-volatility investing, and after reading their wonderful book on the topic, I invited them to do a brief Q&A about their findings, which Pim was kind enough to do here."